I. Background
The Pan African Postal Union (PAPU), a specialized agency of the African Union, is responsible for fostering postal cooperation and development in Africa. It has a membership of forty-five (45) states with its headquarters in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania. PAPU is seeking to engage a suitably qualified and experienced external auditor to audit its financial statements for the financial year 2024/2025, renewable annually pursuant to its principles of good governance and transparency.
II. Audit Scope
The audit shall be conducted in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and the PAPU Financial Regulations. It shall entail auditing the PAPU Financial Statements for the period from 1st June 2024 to 31st May 2025. The prime objective is for the auditor to give a fair and independent opinion on all accounting transactions carried out during the audited period. These shall include:
III. Objectives
Auditing the PAPU Financial Statements shall serve an overall objective and specific objectives.
III.1 Overall Objective
The objective of the audit is to enable the auditor, in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and the financial regulations of the PAPU, to express an independent professional opinion on the Union’s financial statements for the 2024/2025 financial year, which would have ended on 31st May 2025.
III.2 Specific Objectives
More specifically, the audit shall seek to inter alia:
IV. Audit Period and Duration
The audit of the PAPU financial statements for the financial year 2024/2025 must be carried out over a period of seven working days between the months of August and November of every year.
V. Deliverables
The expected deliverables shall be separate audit reports on the following:
Each of the audit reports shall specify inter alia:
The interim reports shall be presented during an exit briefing session between the auditor and the management of the PAPU General Secretariat. The final report shall reflect any comments and amendments made to the interim report. The financial statements and the auditors’ reports countersigned by the Secretary General shall be submitted to the Administrative Council for approval via its Chairperson. The PAPU Secretary General shall be presented with five copies of each report and the management letter.
VI. Other Obligations of the Auditor
In addition to the obligations to audit the financial statements, the auditor shall also attend the deliberations of the PAPU Finance and Administration Committee to be held during the 43rd Ordinary Session of the Administrative Council. The auditor must also present the final report to the Administrative Council Plenary during its 44th Ordinary Session to be held in 2026. Furthermore, the auditor is required to treat as privileged and confidential all classified information provided for the purposes of the audit and may not use it for any purposes not directly related to the audit exercise.
VII. Obligations of PAPU
PAPU shall designate a focal point and provide the auditor with the following:
VIII. Key Personnel
The key personnel for the audit assignment must include at least:
IX. Required Experience
The audit firm must:
X. Bids Assessment
This shall be a two-step process, and only technically compliant bids shall be financially assessed. Only an eligible bidder offering the best “value for money” shall be selected to carry out the audit of the PAPU financial statements.
XI. Interpersonal Skills and Language Proficiency
The bidder must be proficient in at least one of PAPU’s current working languages, namely English and French. The audit firm’s auditors must also demonstrate thoroughness, integrity, a high sense of ethics and objectivity. Its auditors must be able to work in a multicultural environment and interact with persons from various backgrounds.
XII. Bidding Documents
The bidding documents, which must be written in English and/or French, shall contain both a technical proposal and a financial proposal (enclosed separately).
XII.1 Technical Proposal
The technical proposal must not contain any financial information. The technical proposal shall include the firm’s organization chart, a description of its previous experience in auditing international organizations (certificates of satisfactory completion, certificate of registration with the Institute of Chartered/Certified Accountants), a description of the proposed methodology and work plan for carrying out the assignment, and a list of key personnel with their duly signed curriculum vitae (CVs).
XII.2 Financial Proposal
The financial proposal must cover the audit services, performance of all activities and presentation of audit reports, the purchase of consumables, travel and subsistence expenses, and the printing of the five (5) booklets of the final report that shall be submitted to the PAPU Administrative Council.
XIII. Deadline
Only expressions of interest received at the PAPU General Secretariat not later than 17:30 hours (EAT) on 31st March 2025 shall be considered. The technical proposal and the financial proposal should be enclosed in separate sealed envelopes. Both envelopes should be enclosed in a larger envelope bearing the firm’s address, contact phone numbers, email, and fax number (if any) at the back of the envelope which should be addressed to:
The Secretary General
Pan African Postal Union (PAPU)
13th Floor, PAPU Tower, Sekei
P.O. Box 6026 – Arusha 23190
United Republic of Tanzania
For any queries on this advertisement, please contact: Mr. Yonna Singogo (+255787079832)
For further information regarding our organization and external auditing requirements, please visit the following website: https://www.upap-papu.post/vacancies/
Dr. Sifundo Chief Moyo
Secretary General, PAPU